JM Tobacco has exciting news for cigar enthusiasts as they announce the relaunch of Espanola Cigars, complete with a fresh look in new packaging. Anto Mahroukian, President at JM Tobacco, expresses enthusiasm about reintroducing Espanola Cigars to valued customers and the global cigar community. The relaunch includes unspecified events and promotions, promising a memorable experience.
Mahroukian emphasizes the company’s unwavering commitment to quality and the craft of cigar-making. The new packaging aims to enhance the Espanola experience, adding an extra layer of uniqueness. The updated cigars are now ready to ship to interested retailers, bringing the reinvigorated Espanola Cigars to enthusiasts worldwide. 🌟🚬
#EspanolaCigars #CigarRelaunch #JMTCigars